So, I finally did it. I made Vegan Dad's Swedish Tea Ring. Well, almost.
I changed the filling -- adding two tsps of ground cardamon (because cardamon is the epitome of Swedish spices) along with the pecans, cinnamon, and sugar. I also used Earth balance stick margarine for all the shortening and margarine called for in the recipe (because that's what my mom had in her kitchen). I also used soft vanilla silken tofu (because that's all the Giant by my mom's house sold) and vanilla soy milk (because that's what my mom bought for us).
We're going to have it at brunch at Kerry's house tomorrow. Hopefully it tastes yummy!
I'm also going to try to make up a potato tortilla based on this recipe for brunch tomorrow. Few changes I already know I'm making: no nutritional yeast in my mom's house and none at the stores I got to today, so I'm going to use a combination of curry powder, tumeric, ground cumin, and onion (whatever my mom has around the house) in place of the tofu scrambler mix. Also, I have some Daiya cheeze that I need to use up, so that is going to be added to the tortilla. I haven't decided if I'm making a sauce yet. We'll see how tomorrow morning fares...
This was so delicious! I'm glad I got a chance to taste it at Kerry's house. I thought the potato dish was good too, but the tea ring was exceptional. Cardamom is definitely on my grocery list!