Spike, doing what he does best -- lounging in the various seats around the apartment. This is J's seat. He's using the towel as a pillow. Gotta love it!
J, eating her yellow bean barley soup and sitting in her "special" chair. This is the chair we bought initially for A to have a seat at the table, but J took it over immediately. Just as well, because it doesn't have a tray and has to be pushed right up to the table. A inherited J's tray seat... And she loves it! Lunchtime on the weekends with Mommy and J is the best!
I'm a 10+ year vegan with two kids. I work a bit more than full time in NYC. This blog is my record of what I'm making to feed me and my kids. Some entries are failures, some are works in progress, many don't get photos (it's hard when most of my cooking is late late at night or on the weekends when I try to spend as much time as possible with my kids), but all record my attempts to become a better cook, make new and exciting dishes that my kids and omni-husband will eat and enjoy, and release a little stress that builds up from the day/night job.
Aww - three cuties!