Monday, November 15, 2010

Dulse crackers

Dulse flakesI really wanted crackers last night. I scoured my apartment, but didn't have any besan/garbanzo flour. (And I discovered that my spelt flour had new inhabitants -- weevils! Argh!) So, lacking besan, to make the crackers more exciting, I used seaweed gomasio and dulse flakes.
(You can buy the dulse flakes on amazon and the gomasio at eden if you can't find them at a local store.)

1 cup organic white flour
1 cup organic whole wheat pastry flour

3/4-1 cup nutritional yeast

1 tsp sea salt

4T red/purple dulse flakes

2T seaweed gomasio

1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 Earth Balance (1 stick)

1/2 cup organic original hemp milk

some GF AP flour for rolling (why? b/c it's what I had available)

What to do
Preheat oven to 385 (which is probably 365F).
Mix the dry ingredients together.
Cut in the Earth Balance until the mix is mealy.
Then add the hemp milk and mix together with your fingers.

When everything is well combined (you have a nice not-tacky ball of dough), get your rolling surface ready.
Spread a little flour down and on your rolling pin.
Roll out small portions (as thick or thin as you'd like your crackers) and cut into the shapes you want for your crackers.
Place crackers on a cookie tray.

Bake for 10-12 minutes (less time for thinner crackers).

Verdict: needs more salt without the besan. But still good. :) I ate a bunch for dessert last night and left the rest for the girls to munch on this week.

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